Nick Amatuzio

I was born in Civita, Boiano Italy..My family and I migrated to Toronto, Canada. Too bad it wasn't Montreal. I earned a BA (York University - History and English) but only remember a Creative Writing course in my first year fondly.  A certificate I received from Humber College's Radio Broadcasting program is buried deep in a closet somewhere. If I had a time machine, I’d convince my younger self to skip college and university. Is it too late to ask for a refund? A shorter radio script version of my one-act play The American Way was performed live by the Radio Theatre Project in St Petersburg Florida in 2016. I’ve also written a few stage plays including Before the Cut, Brush with the Law, Mick’s Last Line, Melody's Last Line, Blood Runs Deep, Seein’ is Believin’, The American Way and Dizzy Height's Publishing. . My screenplay, ‘Before the Cut’ (based on my stage play) won ‘Best International Full Length Screenplay Award’ in the 2020 Houston Spring Comedy Film Festival and that certificate sits on a shelf nearby. I reside in a small town in Ontario Canada but wish I was closer to Toronto. Someday soon I hope to earn a living. I love cycling and ice hockey. Go Habs go!