Yes, you can. All our scripts are priced between $20 and $40, depending on the duration of the play. However, they are not for sale via the shopping cart. Please contact us by email at and we will contact you within 24 hours.
The purchase price of a script permits you to print only one copy of that script. Therefore, if you need more than one copy, paper or digital, you will also need to purchase the copy rights for that script. The copy fee, applicable for all script only purchases, is $2.00 per extra copy required. If you need several copies – say for assessment of the play by multiple persons – it may be more economical for you to purchase the Copy Fees for the actual stage-play. If this is the case; please let us know and if you end up purchasing the performance package for this script… we are happy to reduce your purchase price by the cost of the Copy Fees for that stage-play.
You also must not perform the play in public, in part or in full, without having applied for a performance licence and paid the applicable performance royalties to the writer. Please remember that EVERYONE needs to pay performance royalties to the Copyright owner. This is their livelihood. A performance licence is the only legal way in which to perform any of the plays that are published on the Stage-Write Plays website.