Modern Solutions for New Age Crimes

As we have progressed from the manual world to automation, everything around us has also shifted to automation. This includes criminal activities and thefts. Here are some of the things that you need to take care of in order to stay safe in the digital world.

Data Backup

If a website goes through an online disaster of any kind, the chances are that critical functions can be disturbed. One of such disasters is the loss of data systems. It can be detrimental to a Company’s stability. Data theft can also be very problematic for the users of a website. Their private information could be leaked and end up in the wrong hands. It could even lead to blackmailing and threats.

It is therefore critical to invest in proper security. To ensure that our website visitors can feel confident and stress-free that all their information is secure, we have invested heavily in security and data backup. So, when you scroll through the Stage-Write Plays website, please know that your data is being safely protected by us.

Secure Passwords

Password theft is a real threat. No one really likes passwords, but they are not going anywhere… So it’s better to ensure their security. On the hackers’ part, it only takes one correct attempt and millions of passwords and usernames could be compromised. It also poses a severe threat to your financial information. Having the absolute best website security in place is essential.

Our password security protocols ensure that you have nothing to worry about when you use Stage-Write Plays’ services or visit our website. All your critical information will be secured like it has been placed inside an unbreakable vault… Only digital.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL Protection)

Companies that ask for personal information from the users need to have SSL certificates in place. When a website is not encrypted, and users enter their information, it becomes a piece of cake for the hackers to copy. Any business that requires information from its users, should invest in SSL certificates. Otherwise, people will find it difficult to trust them with their data.

We understand this completely and this is the reason why we have not shied away from investing heavily in SSL Protection. When you enter any information on our website, you can do it with confidence. We want you to always feel comfortable that your information is secure and protected.

DDOs Attack Protection

The immediate effect of a DDoS attack is that it makes a website overwhelmed and it becomes unavailable. Of course, it affects the users’ experience as well. You can take many precautions, but the best thing to do is get in touch with the professionals and ensure ultimate security.

If the Stage-Write Plays’ website was attacked and was not protected against the DDOs attack, our users would suffer. Our website would take forever to load and we don’t expect you to have to hang around waiting. We want to cater to our users as best we can and taking too long to load is not what we have in mind. This is why we have invested in the best protection against such attacks. As a result, our website will be seamlessly available whenever you need it.

Spam Stop Feature

Mostly spam is for promotions, but that doesn’t mean it is always harmless. Sometimes spam is also used for defamation, fraud, dissemination of threats and scams. It can be used to gain control over devices as well. The challenging part is… It is tough to stop spam. This is why, for the sake of crucial data, we need someone who is a pro and can guarantee you complete security.

We have done our research before engaging help in this regard and have made sure it is the best out there. Our website is completely secured against spam with a quality spam stop feature. You won’t have to deal with unwanted ads while using our site. There will also be no distracting pop-ups or click-baits while you are using the Stage-Write Plays website.

Secure Information Gateway

With Secure Gateway, we can connect various parts of the application across different security configurations and multiple protocols. We don’t need to navigate or compromise the security policies of the networks we connect with. It removes a massive headache in terms of security protocols when dealing with several networks, all the while keeping your information safe.

Apart from the benefits to Stage-Write Plays, it also safeguards our users by providing broken links to any external forces trying to spy on the information or, even worse, trying to steal it.

All in all, we have put every security measure into place to ensure that our users will feel secure when using our website functionalities.

Cookies and Web Beacons

We wanted to make our website interact swiftly with our users, so we opted for cookies. This way, we will have information about your likes and preferences and it will make your experience personalized and interactive when visiting our website.

Web beacons are also called pixel tags, clear GIFs, and Web bugs. They are used with the cookies as a combination. Both of these can prove to be a great asset if used correctly and they enable us to offer what you are interested in.

Payment Protection

We don’t have to tell you why this protection is essential. Where online payment offers ease, it also poses cyber threats of the new age. The financial data of the website and the personal information of the user can be at stake without the proper protection in place.

We want to take this opportunity to inform you that our site is fully protected against any such thefts and misconducts. When you enter your data here, it remains safe with us. We have put effort, energy and resources into our website’s protection… To ensure that no one can trespass our security channels.

End Note

We believe that it is of the utmost importance to deal with new-age crimes using modern solutions. Here at Stage-Write Plays, that is exactly what we are doing. Complete website security is not a dream anymore!