Refunds are available for a change in the number of performances licensed.

This refund will cover you if your performance is cancelled.  For instance; if your nominated number of performances is amended to zero performances, you will be due a full refund of the performance fees you have paid.  On that same note – for example – if you nominated 10 performances on your licence application and your performances were reduced to 7; you will be due a refund for the portion of the licence fees paid that are equivalent to 3 performances.  You will also be asked to sign our declaration confirming that no performance of the play has been staged that relates to the performance fees being submitted for refund.


Exchanges are available on the following items:

Performance Fees

As well as refundable; Performance fees are also transferrable to another play from the Stage-Write Plays website; providing you have not already staged the performance in question AND providing you have requested a transfer of fees within fourteen (14) days of the purchase date.  Please note that due date extensions maybe considered but will be at the absolute discretion of the publisher.  You will also be asked to sign our declaration confirming that no performance of the play has been staged that relates to the performance fees being submitted for transfer.  Please also be advised that the play you are transferring the fees to; will be subject to a performance licence application review.

Copy Fees

Copy fees are transferrable to another play from the Stage-Write Plays website; providing you have not already copied the script and/or illustrative materials in question AND providing you have requested a transfer of fees within fourteen (14) days of the purchase date.  Please note that due date extensions maybe considered but will be at the absolute discretion of the publisher.  You will also be asked to sign our declaration confirming that no copies of the script and/or illustrative materials have been made, either in part or in full.

Archival Video Fees

Archival Video fees are transferrable to another play from the Stage-Write Plays website; providing you have not already recorded the performance in question AND providing you have requested a transfer of fees within fourteen (14) days of the purchase date.  Please note that due date extensions maybe considered but will be at the absolute discretion of the publisher.  You will also be asked to sign our declaration confirming that no recording of the play has been made.



Refunds and/or Exchanges are NOT available on the following items:

  • Full Version Scripts
  • Illustrative Materials (I.e. Music Scores, Backing Tracks, SFX, Etc.)
  • Processing & Delivery Fee (1% of Purchase Price)



To avoid the need to request refunds and exchanges, please consider downloading our FREE digital ‘read-only’ sample scripts.  These sample scripts will give you the opportunity to decide if your chosen play is the right one for your purpose.  If you download a musical script; the lyrics of at least one song will be included in that sample script.  If you would like to hear a sample of the music; please select this option on our feature page for that musical.

If you do find yourself requiring a refund or exchange, please contact us directly, using any one of the three options available under the “Contact Us” menu.  Please also include your purchase details, your member details and your reason for return or exchange.