Where available, Stage-Write Plays offers instrumental scores for band parts, conductor scores, instrumental backing and sound effects files in both MIDI and mp3 formats for performances, as well as mp3 backing tracks with vocals for rehearsals; and of course, piano and vocal scores are available for every musical on our website.  You will find that our piano and vocal scores, as well as our scripts, have the song lyrics included.  Please note that our instrumental scores are purchased as a package and cannot be separated into the different instruments.

Remember; if you have a band that is going to play the provided music, it’s important to take into account their skill levels.  The Copying Fee that you pay for the right to copy your scripts, also allows you to copy the band scores and music files for your band members and singers.  Just a reminder; although you will own the music you purchased… normal copyright rules and regulations will still apply.

Stage-Musical Scripts

Scripts for all musicals on the Stage-Write Plays website include the song words.  If you would like to listen to a sample of the music and/or song… Please select this option from the feature page for that stage-musical.

Rehearsal Backing Tracks

Backing tracks are provided to help make your rehearsals easier, they are not suitable for performances.  Backing tracks are only intended to assist you in teaching the songs and melodies of the music.  You will find that most backing tracks have a melody and a vocal line; but there is usually minimal musical accompaniment.  These backing tracks are designed to be used in conjunction with the piano and vocal scores during rehearsals.

Performance Quality Backing Tracks

If you want to put on a musical, WITHOUT a live band, our master performance backing tracks allow you to do just that.  Stage-Write Plays can provide you with high-quality mp3 instrumental backing files.  MIDI files are also available in most cases.  MIDI files are great for customizing songs to suit a vocal range, or to add and remove instruments; which is handy for filling in gaps if you don’t have a full band but say have drum and guitar players.  You can even embed lyrics that scroll on a screen like karaoke.  MIDI files are not for everyone, you will need a dedicated and professional quality MIDI file player or MIDI file app to get the best out of a MIDI format file.

Piano and Vocal Scores

These are a must for early rehearsals for your Musical Director. They contain the lyrics and notes for all the songs in your play.  Piano and vocal scores are designed for use with the rehearsal backing tracks.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly, using any one of the three options available under the “Contact Us” menu.   We are more than happy to help in any way we can.