So that you can legally perform your stage play; it is important to understand that any stage play, musical or interactive theatre that you perform in public requires a Performance Licence.

Prior to finalising your checkout, Stage-Write Plays will ask you to complete a questionnaire regarding your performance intentions.   If, at this time, you don’t know how many performances you are going to stage, please make an educated guess; Stage-Write Plays are happy to refund if you estimate too many and vice-versa.  We will then generate a Performance Licence Application based on your responses.

You will need to confirm all details, sign and return this form to Stage-Write Plays BEFORE your first performance.  In most cases, it is a simple turn-around.  However, please remember that you cannot legally perform your play until you have received the approved and counter-signed copy of your application from Stage-Write Plays; this becomes your official and legal Performance Licence Agreement.  We will always endeavour to issue your licence prior to your first performance, but to avoid the panic… Please submit your signed application early!

An approved performance licence agreement is the ONLY legal way in which to perform any of the plays that are downloaded from the Stage-Write Plays website.  Stage-Write Plays takes its responsibilities to its writers very seriously… Just like everyone else; they like to be paid for their work and we thank you for your understanding.


Here at Stage-Write Plays, we assume that if you are wanting to purchase a play; it is for performance purposes.  Hence, you must apply for a Performance Licence.  However, if at this stage, you are simply wanting to obtain a copy of the script only or save your selection for later… Please refer to the links below for some helpful information.

Purchase Script Only

Sample Scripts

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